Information Software Technology – Stage 5
Information Software Technology will assist students to achieve educational outcomes more efficiently and with greater quality through the development of analytical, organisational and problem-solving skills to cope with expanding access to computerised/digital information. This is consistent with advances in information communication and technology in all aspects of workplaces and the community.
This subject is delivered through the following units:
- Digital Media
This option examines and analyses different digital media products and their uses across a variety of contexts. It allows students to develop skills in the design and production of a digital media product of at least two data types. Robotics and Automated Systems
This option provides the possibility to design, produce and evaluate a range of projects based around automated control, from traffic lights to computer assembly and probes to other planets. It allows students the opportunity to explore a range of automated systems and robots.Internet and Website Development
Students undertake a study of the historical development of the internet. Tools and uses of the internet are explored particularly in the area of the World Wide Web. Students manipulate tools to design, produce and evaluate a website for a given purpose.- Software Development and Programming
Students undertake a range of activities that will lead them to modifying and writing their own code. Through an affiliation with the University of Sydney students learn how to program in Python while competing with students from around the world.
What will students create and participate in for this course?
Students use a variety of programs to complete:
- Digital Media - Students create and produce two advertisements using various forms of multimedia for a product of choice.
- Robotics and Automated Systems – Students design, produce and evaluate a simple project for a real-world application.
- Internet and Website Development - Creation of a Website home page with the opportunity to use HTML code. Students work with other students globally to achieve knowledge in HTML code through the GROK learning program.
- Software Development and Programming –Students participate in the NCSS (National Computer Science School) challenge, competing with thousands of other students globally and develop mini programs using Python as the coding language