Year 9 Mathematics
The Mathematics course in Stage 5 has three levels of achievement. These are called Mathematics 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3 respectively. All students will complete the 5.1 level which may, for some students, involve some of Year 9 being spent completing Stage 4 outcomes. The majority of students will complete the 5.2 level which includes the 5.1 course and adds extra content and outcomes. Only those students who have achieved all the Year 8 outcomes at a highly developed level will be in a position to complete all the additional content and outcomes of the 5.3 course. Students will be graded into classes for Year 9 based on their achievement in Year 8, and may be regraded during Year 9, depending upon performance.
All three courses are divided into the content strands of:
Patterns and Algebra
Space and Geometry
Working Mathematically
Year 10 Mathematics
The Mathematics course in Stage 5 has three levels of achievement. These are called Mathematics 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3 respectively. All students will complete the 5.1 level. The majority of students will complete the 5.2 level which includes the 5.1 course and adds extra content and outcomes. Only those students who have achieved all the Year 8 outcomes at a highly developed level will be in a position to complete all the additional content and outcomes of the 5.3 course.
At the end of Year 10 all students will be graded on a common ten point scale for the School Certificate, with only those who have successfully completed the 5.3 course being able to access the upper grades. All students will sit a common School Certificate External Exam which is based on the Working Mathematically strand.
All three courses are divided into the content strands of: Number; Patterns and Algebra; Data; Measurement; Space and Geometry; and, Working Mathematically.