Blayney High School

Quality education opportunities in a caring environment

Telephone02 6368 2100

Uniform Policy


Blayney High School is a uniform school as agreed by the parent community and as such has developed a uniform considered to be affordable, accessible to all and suitable and safe for the climate and school activities.

All Students are expected to wear full school uniform at all times. Our aim is to have the students wear their uniform at all times so that a feeling of pride and belonging to the school is developed.  Students should be encouraged to take pride in their appearance so that a neat and tidy image is presented to the public.

Sports uniform is acceptable as general school wear, some subjects require fully enclosed leather shoes.

Leggings, jeans, and coloured jumpers are not part of the school uniform. Coloured singlets/undershirts are not school uniform. Soft canvas slip-on-shoes do not meet WH&S requirements.

In the interests of student safety, hoop earrings, dangly earrings, spacers, wristbands and multiple bangles are not allowed.

Students out of uniform:

Students out of uniform need to bring a note, dated and signed by a parent or guardian, explaining why to the DP before school and will be issued a pass.  Students can expect that staff throughout the day will ask them to produce the pass. Students out of uniform and without a pass will be sent to the DP, receive a pass and a half-lunch detention.

Blayney High School P & C runs our uniform clothing pool from the school canteen.  You can order online by going to the Blayney High School website, click on links, then select BHS Canteen Clothing Pool to order and pay online. This uniform can then be picked up or delivered to your child at school. Uniform can not be paid for at the school office, the clothing pool has a separate bank account.  All uniform enquiries should be directed to

There are also School Uniform Order Forms that you can fill out and hand in at the school office to be passed on to the Canteen to be filled, you must have deposited the money online into the bank account and list the payment number on the form so the order can be filled.  Alternatively, you can visit the clothing pool in person and pay via Eftpos, please avoid busy canteen times such as recess and lunch and before 2:00 pm.

Junior Uniform





Black Box Pleat skirt or tailored pants
White polo shirt or blouse
White socks or black stockings
Fully enclosed black shoes
School hoodie

Black tailored pants
White polo shirt
Fully enclosed black shoes or boots
School hoodie


Black rugby shorts or track suit pants
White Polo shirt
White socks
Sport shoes
School hoodie

Black rugby shorts or track suit pants
White Polo shirt
White socks
Sport shoes
School hoodie

Senior Uniform






Black Box Pleat skirt or tailored pants
White polo shirt or blouse
White socks or black stockings
Fully enclosed black shoes
Senior Jumper

Black trousers
White polo shirt
Fully enclosed black shoes or boots
Senior Jumper



Black rugby shorts or track suit pants
White Polo shirt
White socks
Sport shoes
Senior Jumper or Year 12 Jersey

Black rugby shorts or track suit pants
White Polo shirt
White socks
Sport shoes
Senior Jumper or Year 12 Jersey

To purchase uniforms refer to Uniform Order