Scenario 1: Snow before school.
- In the event of snowfalls which result in the closure of roads, parents and students need to determine whether or not it is safe for them to travel to school or remain at home.
- Radio information is attempted to be provided to the below listed stations prior to 7am:
Orange | Star FM - 105.9 2GZ - 105.1 1089 AM ABC AM - 549 |
Bathurst | 2BS AM - 1503 B-Rock FM - 99.30 |
- Notification will be placed on Schoolstream and on Facebook.
- Bus companies will make their own decision based on safety.
- As staff travel to school from various areas it is likely there will only be minimum supervision for the day.
- Students who can walk / travel safely to school should do so or remain home.
- Students who drive to school should not take unnecessary risks.
- Staff / students may arrive later in the day if snow clears. Please ring school 6368 2100 to check beforehand.
Scenario 2: Snow during the day. If it appears that road access will compromise staff and student's safety then:
- An assembly will be called and all students will go to the hall.
- Students who can walk home will be dismissed (please ensure keys to house are accessible).
- Student drivers will be dismissed.
- Bus companies will make their own decisions on when to send buses. Bus students will be dismissed as their buses arrive (please ensure keys to house are accessible).
- Staff not needing to travel through snow will provide school supervision till 3.30.
- Parents can collect students early by reporting to the office.
- Students will be able to use mobile phones to contact parents.