Blayney High School

Quality education opportunities in a caring environment

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Stage 5 (Years 9 and 10)

Year 9 - Scope and Sequence

Throughout Year 9 students will continue to build on both their analytical and creative writing skills. Students will exam a range of topics including:




Exploring Australia through Film and Fiction

Australian novel

Throughout this unit students will closely examine an Australian novel. In particular, they will examine narrative point of view and how composers create meaningful texts. 




Into the World

Area of Study:  Poetry and Drama

Students will explore the concept of ‘Into the World’. They will also revise figurative language techniques and drama features and structures.





Classic novels or short stories, short story writing

Students will explore a range of classic texts as well as the themes and techniques that make texts identifiable as a classic. Students will gain a strong understanding of one particular classic text through the creation of a modern appropriation.




What Matters? Social Issues

Non-Fiction, documentaries and film, report writing

Students will be introduced to a range of social issues. They will also explore a particular social issue of interest through in-depth study and wide reading. Students will be required to analyse various perspectives and opinions that are expressed in a range of texts.

Year 10 - Scope and Sequence

Throughout Year 10 students will continue to build on both their analytical and creative skills. Students will study a unit per term as outlined below (note, the timing of the units is subject to change from year to year):




Introduction to Shakespeare's World

Drama and Film Study

This study introduces students to the world of Shakespeare looking at his life and times. Students will engage in a close study of one of his plays., including a film study exploring the appropriation of the Shakespearean text in a modern-day context. 




Representing Reality

Documentary and Reality TV Study.

This study has students explore the concept of ‘reality’ in media-based texts. Students will gain an understanding of how “reality” may be manipulated in texts to suit the needs of various composers. They will study a documentary and various media texts produced for a topic, looking at the various representations of truth. In studying Reality TV, students will further explore how creators of shows manipulate information to form the ‘truth’.




Concept Study: Belonging

Novel/Poetry study with Creative Writing.

This study sees students consider and explore the concept of ‘belonging’ and how experiences of belonging shape us as individuals. Through the study of a Prose Novel (combines novel and poetic techniques in the one text), students will develop their study of how the ideas of belonging impact individuals lives. Through their own creative writing, students explore various aspects of the concept. 




Multicultural Experiences in Australia

Visual Texts, Poetry, Short Stories and Film.    

This study has students explore the various experiences of Australia by those of various cultural backgrounds. Students will explore how multi-cultural attitudes have changed over time, as well as, how they vary between individuals. Students will complete their study by looking at a series of short texts created using various forms.