Blayney High School

Quality education opportunities in a caring environment

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Workplace Learning

Work Experience and Placement

At Blayney High School we offer all Year 10 students the opportunity to attend two (2), one (1) week blocks of work experience usually in Term 4 of the year. Students who wish to attend must complete a contract of work during their Year 10 Careers lessons, as well as a Student Placement Record (SPR). This work readiness program ensures students are "Work Ready" and have the skills, abilities and personal qualities our host workplaces expect.


Some courses at Blayney High School have a compulsory work placement as part of the course. The Vocational Education and Training (VET) courses have a requirement that you must do at least one week of work placement in the industry related to that course. These placements are organised for you and you will be learning specific skills while you are there.


What's the difference between Work Experience and Work Placement?

Work Experience:

Work Placement:

  • gives you a taste of the world of work
  • usually undertaken in Year 10 (and sometimes Year 11 or 12)
  • involves observing and carrying out tasks nominated by your supervisor
  • gives you a chance to experience working life
  • helps you learn about what employers expect, what responsibilities people have and what skills are valued in the workplace
  • helps you learn how businesses work
  • a planned and compulsory part of many HSC VET courses
  • involves you participating in the industry relevant to your studies
  • lets you practice and develop skills you learn off-the-job at school or TAFE
  • lets you learn specific skills or competencies on-the-job and agreed beforehand by the school and the host employer
  • helps you find out more about employment and training opportunities in the industry
  • contributes to your HSC and a nationally accredited qualification recognised by industry